Tuesday, February 18, 2014

What Happens During Down Time

I don't pretend to think that anyone is still even subscribed to this blog, but I feel the need to write again so here we go. I moved! Again! Well, really twice, since I moved home to Dallas before coming up to Milwaukee to go to grad school. And for a while that was good enough to quench my thirst for new experiences. In the past two years I have been able to go to Chicago, Lake Geneva, Green Bay, Atlanta, Jasper, and San Antonio...and yet... I feel very stationary. I would even venture to say that I feel stuck. I can't really go anywhere until I finish my degree so for the foreseeable future, I will continue to be stuck. I guess what I'd like to know is, how do people deal with this feeling? How do people come to terms with the fact that they might be in one place for a while? Do other people even feel the NEED to deal with this? I'm beginning to believe that I am an odd duck when it comes to my gut desire to move every couple of years. I'm trying to fight against it for now because, by some miracle, I actually have been putting down maybe one or two little baby roots in Milwaukee. I never saw myself living in the Brew City for too long. I still don't. But it looks like I'll be here for another year. The issue is this: I am framing this year as taking a pause in my life when I should be framing it as a chance to really get everything I need to out of Milwaukee before I say goodbye to it's cold winters and good beer. I will work on this. However, for now, I'm be playing the role of the curmudgeon. Whatever. It could just be that the weather sucks.